
BTX2017 website

Keep thinking! I shall justify the title, by the time you are done reading this review. This event called Connect was held between 1st and 2nd year students ‘connected’ to the Biotech field. This competition was held as a part of the national symposium organised and undertaken by the Centre for Biotechnology A.C. College of Technology Anna University (Chennai) . It is called BIOTECHCELLENCE (BTX in short). This B.Tech symposium is headed by the ripest of the whole course, the 3rd year students.

This was the first look of the event. (The first one that I saw)img-20170219-wa0005

My random guess, on the reason for the chosen start time, is that they decided to give us indicative amount of time to settle down to compete. I prefer staying away from Facebook for peace-related reasons and therefore was obviously anxious about my participation. It did give me a sigh of relief though, when the ‘Creator of Connect’ announced the allowance of participation through Whatsapp and Instagram.

Here’s a paragraph dedicated to the Creator, on an acknowledgement note. The level of toughness is like an adjustable button on his ‘Connect’ radio. He spontaneously sets the required level, on demand (like a pro!). The clues were really head-cracking and I needn’t mention about the questions themselves.

‘Connect’ on the whole was a beautiful conceptual game. Here’s why…

  • The very idea of a set of pictures relating to the answer word is new and analytic.
  • The clues were brilliant and so much relatable to the deep history of the answer word.
  • The collection of pictures were again of amazing choice!
  • The idea of making this a pre-BTX event is a helpful factor in terms of taking part in other events.

The title now seems obvious to you! I am absolutely stunned by the organizing of such an event in relation to science. You will be too, if you take part.

Despite these, I would like to have my say in the form of suggestions (and not criticisms) :

  • Could have been done on the spot rather than doing it online. Online games have their own drawbacks. Some of these are no-current issues(I personally faced this), slow internet hence slower rates of answering, phone battery issues and so on…
  • Even if it were to be done online, strict restrictions on not spamming the group must have been done. Answers should’ve been given to the organizers on private chat alone.
  • This game could have been played team-wise…(TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More 😉  )

Today is the 5th of March and its less than a week left, to count down to the big show! Be there at BTX to be Decrypting Dogmas!

– Shreyy, a Fresher Biotechie at CBT ❤