The story of us.

It was a bright Thursday afternoon, when I first saw him. The 13th of September, 2018. Although, knowing Chennai’s weather, it was probably cloudy/very humid. If you’re wondering how I met him during the middle of the day on a weekday, I physically did not. Thanks to the enumorous virtual places of my time, that I could do this miles away from him.

That day was as beautiful as this picture is.

I think we were basking in the unknown factors of each other. The taunting, the politely nudging to gather information, the stalking and of course the over-exaggerated imagination of what it would be like if this was “The One”. I’ve always been skeptical to meet anyone new and let my guard down, all my life. But if this time weren’t any different, I wouldn’t be basing this fiction on reality.

We talked about dogs, cars , my love for writing and coffee. No, we vibed over them. It was all too realistic, and so my inner cherophobia kicked in. Only natural, given the characteristic experience from the past. We met on a drizzly morning at a metro station, after a morning ride. It was as if it was taken out of a movie scene.

He fell first. Confessed it. I gave into my fear of being happy and put it out for quite sometime. Then I fell. But he put it out, the reason for which, I still think was to get back at me. Then we went on and off and then on again, back and forth. Sooner we realized that it shouldn’t have to be this hard.

I want to remember our relationship together for a long time. No matter who I commit to in the future or how much better or worse it may be, you’ll definitely hold a special place. And so after a whole range of disagreements, here we we are now, deeply committed to one another.

At least, that’s what the 2 year contract says. First contacted on LinkedIn, met for my interview at the office which was proximal to a metro station and hence I took the train. They claimed me to be over-qualified. I kept thinking how much the work ethics might affect me, since the pay, reputation and every other aspect of the job was all too perfectly aligned. I hope we continue to support each other, as we’ve done for the past year! ❤

– Shreyy, a classic user of the art of misdirection.